Thursday, September 30, 2010

Lots of things going on these days, exploring WCF and REST technologies I wonder how fast we are going, with every six months we have a new set of tools technologies and releases. Even Gordon Moore would not have predicted the current state of affairs in information technology space.
We are about to surpass the rate of change predicted by Moore's Law for semiconductor and processor technology. But then rapid strides are also making it easier for people like us help people's lives with use of these technologies.
Remember the days when we used to code in C++ ATL framework. It was so cryptic and overwhelming to develop simple fucntionalities let alone the entire projects. Its a lot better today, even to the extent where kids out of college can write software without understanding much of the basic principles thanks to abstraction and out of box in-built frameworks available on all major platforms.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Perfect finish for Fernando Alonso with full drivers points and man what an exciting race it was Singapore Grand Prix the only race to be held at night.. Lets see who's going to win the world championship my bet on Vettal or Hamilton.. :)
keeep racing..